Special offer
Sleep REJURAN 4ccPain-free treatment under sleep
330,000 WON
Full-face mole removal
99,000 WON
REJURAN 1ccPayment can be made in 2cc units
89,000 WON per 1cc
LHALA PEEL 3+1Pay for 3 sessions, get 4 treatments
69,000 WON per session
JUVELOOK Volume 1ccStimulates collagen production, creates natural volume
1cc per 45,000 WON
JUVELOOK Skin 1ccImproves skin elasticity, fine lines, and skin texture
1cc per 75,000 WON
Special offer
Sleep REJURAN 4ccPain-free treatment under sleep
330,000 WON
Full-face mole removal
99,000 WON
REJURAN 1ccPayment can be made in 2cc units
89,000 WON per 1cc
LHALA PEEL 3+1Pay for 3 sessions, get 4 treatments
69,000 WON per session
JUVELOOK Volume 1ccStimulates collagen production, creates natural volume
1cc per 45,000 WON
JUVELOOK Skin 1ccImproves skin elasticity, fine lines, and skin texture
1cc per 75,000 WON


Basic procedure

PDT (photodynamic therapy)
Reduced sebum secretion through sebaceous gland destruction

2 to 3 weeks apart, 5 or more procedures are recommended.

  • 01 5-ALA 성분이 피지선을 파괴
  • 02 Lecithin 성분이 염증을 완화
  • 03 Allantoin 성분이 진정 효과
  • 04 여드름의 주 원인 피지량 감소
01 피지량이 많으신 분
02 재발하는 여드름이 고민이신 분
03 염증성 여드름의 치료를 원하시는 분
04 반복적인 트러블이 고민이신 분
  • 1 붉음증, 화끈거림이 하루 정도 지속될 수 있으니 너무 걱정하지 마세요.
  • 2 Make sure to put on sunblock when you go out.
  • 3 Your skin may get dry temporarily, so please use Hydrating cream and plenty of moisture.
  • 4 임산부, 자녀계획 있으신 분(남,녀 모두)들은 출산 이후 치료받으시기 바랍니다